Miten selviytyä helteestä? - Asunnon ja asukkaan hellevinkit
Näiden vinkkien avulla avulla pidät asunnon viileämpänä kuumanakin päivänä. Asukkaan viilennysvinkit sisältävät neuvoja, joiden avulla kuumasta säästä selviää.
Reliable rental living for all life situations
According to a study on people’s willingness to move, Jyväskylä is Finland’s second-best place to live. According to the same study in previous years, Jyväskylä is also the best environment to raise a child in.
In Avara’s Jyväskylä locations, you will live close to the water and nature, at least within biking distance from downtown services and the university. Hike the gorgeous views of Harju or the 13-kilometer-long Rantaraitti around the lake, go ice-skating on the lake in the middle of the city, find your favorite among the 5,000 events organized annually, shop on the walking street or enjoy the summer at Lutakko’s lovely marina. Jyväskylä has something for everyone!
At the end of 2017, new Avara homes were completed in the Kivelänranta area in Jyväskylä. The Pisarakortteli block is designed to meet modern apartment building requirements with luminous stairways and landscape elevators.
Avara has rental apartments in downtown Jyväskylä and several other interesting neighborhoods. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to live in a modern apartment building right at the heart of it all or in a cozy, small apartment building by the water, in the middle of nature. Our wide selection in Jyväskylä will surely have a suitable home for every taste.
Ainola is in a beautiful location by the gorgeous Jyväsjärvi Lake, approximately two kilometers from the city center. Avara has two incredibly popular apartment building locations that were built at the turn of the century. Some apartments have direct views of the lake and Jyväskylä’s nicest trail, the 13-kilometer-long Rantaraitti, passes right by the buildings. Even the path to the city center is spectacular as you cross the monumental Kuokkala Bridge on your way.
The popular Haukkamäki row houses are the newest of Avara’s Jyväskylä locations, built in 2008. Haukkamäki is approximately five kilometers from Jyväskylä and it’s a cozy and rather new area where peaceful nature is combined with the proximity of the extensive services in Palokka. Keski-Palokka school and Haukkamäki kindergarten are approximately one kilometer away. The lakeside views of Alvajärvi Lake are also within walking distance. Residents have really enjoyed living in this location and resident turnover has been very low.
Would you like to live in the center of Jyväskylä, in the city’s oldest residential stone building? The high-ceiling rooms in the gorgeous Strengintalo building radiate a grand, old-world atmosphere. The building was renovated in 1999. For those who crave more modern living in the city center, Avara has beautiful homes in a new, three-story building with a cozy fireplace room and a sauna department that offer exquisite settings for lovely evenings spent at home. Both downtown locations are just a stone’s throw from the railway station, next to all the services and Lake Jyväsjärvi. You choose whether to head for the Rantaraitti trails around Lake Jyväsjärvi or to slip into the city center for shopping, restaurants and a variety of cultural offerings.
Many Jyväskylä residents are familiar with the natural beauty of the Kivelänranta area. Modern apartment buildings have been constructed on this calm isthmus between two lakes. The four houses of the Pisarakortteli block form a small and idyllic apartment building block that offers a unique combination of peaceful nature and effortless urban living. The lakeside views of Tuomiojärvi Lake and trails can be accessed directly from your front door. At the same time, the city center is just over a kilometer away with good transit connections. Read more!
Lutakko is built in an old industrial area by Jyväsjärvi Lake, and is now one of the most prestigious areas in Jyväskylä. The apartment building area is by the city center and a unique combination of modern living, historical surroundings, quiet nature as well as the hustle and bustle of the marina and city. Both the city center services and amazing outdoor areas are just a short walk from your front door. Especially in summertime, the Lutakko marina becomes the public living-room for all of Jyväskylä with numerous interesting events. In Lutakko, Avara has modern homes in three apartment buildings that were all completed in the early 2000s. Some of the apartments have direct views onto the beautiful Jyväsjärvi Lake.
Nuutti’s pleasant neighborhood with its small houses is perfect for families with children who enjoy quiet nature, the great outdoors and having daily services nearby. Downtown Jyväskylä is approximately eight kilometers away, but the large shopping area Palokankeskus is just a kilometer away. Palokka has all of the other basic services, from schools to a library and pharmacy. Avara has row houses in Nuutti that were built in the 2000s and is located on a cul-de-sac. The building is known to have a number of long-term residents.
Rasinrinne is approximately four kilometers from the city center and offers you a peaceful living environment close to nature and a full range of services. The area has excellent opportunities for outdoor activities and exercise and the Huhtasuo Sports Park is just fifteen minutes away on foot. The neighboring Seppälä neighborhood will have even more variety in services once a new shopping center, currently under construction, is completed. Avara has two modern locations in Rasinrinne, built around 2005. Those who enjoy peaceful neighborhoods and small buildings should check out the balcony access block in Rasinrinne, whereas the apartment building location with more than a hundred apartments has suitable homes for many life situations.
The Veturitalli area, located right by the city center offers modern urban living in a historical milieu, at the center of cultural life and services. The area has personality and spirit and was built around an old locomotive shed, right next to Matkakeskus bus station and the railway station. Avara has a cozy apartment building, built in 2003, in Veturitalli.
Näiden vinkkien avulla avulla pidät asunnon viileämpänä kuumanakin päivänä. Asukkaan viilennysvinkit sisältävät neuvoja, joiden avulla kuumasta säästä selviää.
Jouluna syntyy perinteisesti monenlaisia jätteitä, jotka on tärkeää kierrättää oikein. Lue vinkkimme joulun ajan jätteiden kierrätykseen!
Ahdistaako ajatus joulun jälkeisistä jätevuorista? Lue vinkkimme kestäviin lahjoihin ja erityisesti niiden paketointiin!
Agronominraitti 2
Ajurinkatu 4
Alvar Aallon katu 1
Ankkurikuja 1
Annikinkatu 8
Harjapäänkatu 28
Hatsalankatu 36
Heinämutka 10
Heinämutka 8
Helmiäiskatu 5
Hemmintie 6
Hinaajankatu 4
Hippiäiskuja 2
Honkakatu 1
Huhtalammentie 7
Huhtalammentie 9
Huhtatie 5
Iidankuja 1
Inkilänmäenkatu 27
Inkiläntie 4
Jynkänvuorenkatu 4
Järvisenkatu 1
Jättiläisenkaari 2
Kaarenpiha 3
Kalevalankatu 26
Kangasvuorentie 24
Karhunkatu 20
Kauppakatu 15
Kekkolantie 11
Ketunkallio 16
Kivikatu 7
Kivimäentie 3
Kokkomäentie 10
Kolmas Linja 17
Kopparinkatu 6
Kotikoivuntie 2
Kotikoivuntie 4
Kuhilaskuja 5
Kullervontie 2
Laakavuorentie 11
Laivakatu 1a
Laivakatu 1b
Lakeissuontie 11 C
Lehmustie 8
Lehtoniementie 124
Linnanpuistontie 1 (ent. osoite Pakarilantie 23)
Loimalahdentie 2
Lounatuulentie 4
Lystilänkatu 4
Läntinen kanavatie 23
Läntinen kanavatie 25
Maarukankuja 8
Meri-Rastilan tie 17
Mestarinkatu 12
Moberginkatu 2
Museokatu 12
Mutalahdenpuisto 3
Mutalahdenpuisto 4
Mäkiranta 2
Mäntynummenkuja 9
Nevakatu 4
Noljakantie 25
Norkkotie 1
Oikokatu 13
Orsitie 10
Paarmantie 5
Pakarilantie 23
Palanderinkatu 21
Palo-ojantie 2
Palojoentie 3
Palojoentie 5
Palojoentie 7
Palokorvenkatu 14
Palokuja 3
Palopellonkatu 16
Papulintie 6
Pellonreuna 6
Pellonreunantie 2
Peltolankaari 12a
Pirkkolantie 3
Pitkänmöljäntie 7
Poikuekuja 8
Posliinitehtaankatu 4
Puijonsarventie 63
Punakukonkatu 4
Puunhaltijankuja 5
Puusepänkuja 4
Puusepänkuja 6
Pyrytie 6
Rahikankatu 1
Rasinrinne 5
Rasvatie 1
Rasvatie 10
Rasvatie 6
Rauhalahdentie 42
Saarikatu 14a
Satutie 2
Savolanraitti 5
Schaumanin puistotie 31
Siipikuja 10
Siipikuja 2
Siipikuja 8
Sirppikatu 4
Soittajankuja 1
Sompionpolku 2
Suuruspääntie 5
Takaniityntie 16
Takaniityntie 7
Talonpojankatu 1
Tammistonkatu 27
Tapulikatu 19
Tapulikatu 21
Teirinpiha 2
Tiirantie 8 ja 12
Tikaskatu 3
Toini Muonan katu 3a
Tuomarilankatu 5-7
Tyrskykatu 1
Tyrskykatu 2
Tähtimötie 10
Vapaudenkatu 62
Vesivallintie 27
Vuorenpellontie 12
Vuorenpellontie 14
Välenojanpolku 10
Yhteiskouluntie 8
Ykköspesänkatu 2