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Avara donates 10,000 euros to support the well-being of children and young people

13.07.2022 | Read time 1 min
Avara donates 10,000 euros to support the well-being of children and young people

Avara's goal is to influence people's everyday life, society and the environment as positively as possible. We are present in the everyday lives of thousands of Finns through our rental homes, and therefore the well-being of people and society is one of the cornerstones of our corporate responsibility work.

Avara_lahjoitusuutinenAs part of our corporate responsibility work, we want to promote the well-being of children and young people by supporting sports clubs and teams. Our goal is to make it possible for as many children and young people as possible to enjoy their hobbies.

The Avara well-being supporter campaign, launched in 2021, offers children's and youth sports clubs and teams the opportunity to apply for support for maintaining club and team activities. Based on the applications received, it was decided to distribute the financial support for 2022 to 18 sports clubs or teams, the total amount of support is around 10,000 euros.